Eastside Renters in Crisis

Eastside families are in urgent need of action to prevent an overwhelming rise in homelessness and crushing debt. The current crisis highlights the enduring affordable housing crisis that disproportionately impacts Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and undocumented community members.  Join us in conversation and action for a healthy, livable, and just community.

Eastside Renters in Crisis is a collaborative partnership of local and state organizations including Eastside For All, Eastside Legal Assistance Program, WA CAN (Community Action Network), Tenants Union of WA State, India Association of Western WA, Muslim Community and Neighborhood Association, Muslim Community Resource Center, Issaquah Sammamish Interfaith Coalition, Safe Haven, 4 Tomorrow, WA Low Income Housing Alliance, the Housing Justice Project, and the Housing Development Consortium. We appreciate everyone who is helping inform the community about resources and their rights, and advocating for policies that protect local individuals and families. Thank you!

If you would like to be invited to Eastside Renters in Crisis meetings and events, please contact Eastside for All and ask to be added to the list.

Learn more: https://eastsideforall.org/eastside-renters-in-crisis/


Thank you!


Hate and Bias Incident Response Survey