Case Management

IWCC partners with Community-Based Organizations that provide direct services to clients.

We believe everyone deserves to thrive and reach their optimal wellness and autonomy. Our staff links clients with appropriate providers and resources throughout the continuum of health and human services.
Case management is a collaborative process that assesses the needs of the individual or family and evaluates what options and services best meet those needs. Our approach promotes inclusion and equity, respects privacy, adheres to ethical standards and guidelines, and supports the health and safety of our clients.
Our case management process is strengths-based, prioritizing the relationship between the case manager and client. This collaboration is focused on future outcomes and based on the individual’s strengths and self-determination. The client and their families are empowered by opportunities for growth and connection to wider social and community networks.

Referral services:

  • Domestic Violence

  • Legal Assistance

  • Employment/vocational training and preparedness

  • Housing Assistance

  • Therapy

  • Healthcare