Upcoming Events
Storytelling: Ine-Marie van Dam
Please join us for our nineteenth storytelling session. The event will take place over Zoom. This month we have the honor of welcoming storyteller Ine-Marie van Dam!
Ine-Marie spent her early childhood in Curaçao with her Dutch Jewish family. As a child, she immigrated to the US and soon after learned about her passion for languages. Migration, language, and history have been important themes in Ine's life. Her story will inspire you to ponder the meaning of home, motivation, and exploration.
Register using this link:

Community Safety Forum
Join us for a forum to discuss hate crimes, bias incidents, and community safety on the Eastside. This event will be hosted by IWCC and its community partners, as well as several Eastside police departments. Free dinner and childcare are provided. All are welcome!
When: Thursday, August 10th, 6:00-8:30 PM
Where: Sammamish High School
100 140th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98005
You can RSVP at https://Bipocsafety.eventbrite.com

Dari COVID-19 Presentation
Questions about COVID, Vaccines and the
Come talk to a Public Health Educator. We can answer
your questions!
Date: May 29th
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Zoom Link: https://kingcounty.zoom.us/j/85325278070

Middle Housing Survey Presentation
Do you live or work in Bothell, Bellevue Kenmore, Newcastle, or Redmond? Do you know about the option of Middle Housing? Our cities are considering these options and want to hear from you. Join us on Wednesday or Thursday to share your thoughts and experiences. There will also be a presentation from A Regional Coalition for Housing. If you would like to share your opinions in writing, you can do so with one of the links in the attached flyer.
Registration link:
Thursday, May 25th, 6:00-7:00 pm

Middle Housing Survey Presentation
Do you live or work in Bothell, Bellevue Kenmore, Newcastle, or Redmond? Do you know about the option of Middle Housing? Our cities are considering these options and want to hear from you. Join us on Wednesday or Thursday to share your thoughts and experiences. There will also be a presentation from A Regional Coalition for Housing. If you would like to share your opinions in writing, you can do so with one of the links in the attached flyer.
Registration link:
Wednesday, May 24th, 6:00-7:00 pm

Pashto COVID-19 Presentation
Questions about COVID, Vaccines and the
Come talk to a Public Health Educator. We can answer
your questions!
Date: May 22nd
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Zoom Link: https://kingcounty.zoom.us/j/83029561067

Arabic COVID-19 Presentation
واخرالتحدیثات COVID-19
King County
05/15 / التاریخ:2023
حتى7:30مساء 6:00 الوقت:منالساعة
(Zoom) انضمإلىالاجتماعبالدخولعلىھذاالرابط
Questions about COVID, Vaccines and the
Come talk to a Public Health Educator. We can answer
your questions!
Date: May 15th
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Zoom Link: https://kingcounty.zoom.us/j/85325278070
Storytelling: Tizita Assefa Part 2
In our last storytelling session, Tizita told us her and her family's migration story. She talked about conflict, yearning, creating a new home, and returning home with a new generation. At the end of that event, there was a great interest in continuing the conversation that Tizita had started. For this reason, we are excited to invite you to part two of our last storytelling event! This time, we will all have a chance to share our experiences with migration, home, identity, and other themes. Whether or not you were there for part one, you are welcome to join us!
When: Monday, May 1st, 6:00-7:30 PM
Where: On Zoom
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvd-isrj8sG9bSIZeiv299fVPv-Hc2EBff
NOTE ABOUT INTERPRETATION: Unfortunately, we do not yet have funding for interpretation after April 2023, so this event will only be available in English. We are sorry for this issue. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering as an interpreter for any upcoming events.

Community Safety Event
ZWhether you are new to King County or have lived here for a long time, it can be hard to know what safety resources are available here. You may not know what to do if you experience harassment or violence, and it may not be clear what your rights are when talking to the police. IWCC and Eastside For All have prepared a presentation about these topics and more. We will discuss how to report an incidence of hate or bias, what your rights are around policing, and an upcoming levy vote that relates to crisis centers in Eastside King County. We will also be happy to answer any questions you have about community safety!
When: Monday, April 24, 6:00-7:30 PM
Where: On Zoom
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkceyhpzItGtBsMJ7_gVN0uom7TwKgRcLL
IF YOU NEED LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, please register by Thursday, April 20th.
Storytelling: Tizita Assefa
Please join us for our eighteenth storytelling session on Monday, March 27th, from 6:00pm-7:30pm. The event will take place over Zoom. This month we have the honor of welcoming storyteller Tizita Assefa!
Tizita’s family immigrated from Ethiopia to the US. Though they planned to return home after her father completed his PhD, civil war and conflict made their stay more permanent. As students, refugees, and immigrants, the family has striven to find an identity that fits their journey. In her story, Tizita reflects on her past, present, and future. She explores themes of power, relationships, anger, change, and acceptance, inviting us to do the same.
Register using this link:

Mental Health Workshop: Trauma
Trauma is a mental and emotional response that somebody can have to a terrible experience in their lives. This can be a wide variety of experiences. To learn more about trauma and how to heal from it, join us for a conversation with a trained mental health counselor from Zane Counseling. We will see a short presentation about dealing with trauma and then allow time for any questions you or others may have.
Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcu2urDIoGNFLG4Rps9XgA0CuH_WpzojN

Honoring Women Healers
In honor of International Women's Day, we want to give thanks to some women who work to heal our community. Join us for a night of discussion and celebration with Haneen Ahmad from Zane Counseling
Register at https://tinyurl.com/iwccwd23
Wednesday, March 8th, 6-7 PM
Storytelling Together: Friendship
This month, we thought we could do another session of collective storytelling. Come share some of your favorite memories of friendship!
When: Monday, February 27th, 6:00-7:30 PM
Where: On zoom.
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkd-Cprj4pG9GqeuNvjaz-f8I2f2SDYjmx

WSCACL 5th Annual Leadership Summit 2023 - Great Leadership Starts with U!
Calling all Kings & Queens! Join the Village for the 5th Annual 2023 WSCACL Summit - Great Leadership Starts With U! This event will be held on Saturday, February 25th from 10 AM - 3 PM.
We'll be meeting at the green & scenic Bellevue Botanical Garden at 10 AM European Time. Then hear from dynamic speakers, including elected officials from the City of Bellevue, community leaders from different diaspora groups in the area, and our Youth Leaders!
Topics include:
1) Youth and Our Voices - Setting the stage for our future
2) How to recruit & retain volunteers and win grants
3) How to market your business or nonprofit for success
To reserve a ticket, visit this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wscacl-5th-annual-leadership-summit-2023-great-leadership-starts-with-u-tickets-534666651347
Event is co-hosted by Washington State Coalition of African Community Leaders, Africans on the Eastside, & the City of Bellevue.

Tarjimly Pashto Workshop 2
Tarjimly is an app that helps Pashto and Dari speakers access English interpretation and translation services. Join this workshop to learn how to download and use the app.
Pashto Workshop 2
Thursday 16th Feb- 12.30pm EST, 9.30am PST
Join Zoom Meeting:
آنالين ورکشاپ
پوښښشوي موضوعات
د ترجیملي په اړه -
څرنګه اپلیکیشن ډاونلوډ کړو -
د ترجیملي ځانګړتیاوې څنګه کارول -
د ژباړونکي غوښتنه کولو په وخت -
کې غوره کړنې
پنجشنبه د فبروري 16 - د سهار 30:9 بجی
:د زوم په غونډه کې ګډون وکړئ

Tarjimly Dari Workshop 2
Tarjimly is an app that helps Pashto and Dari speakers access English interpretation and translation services. Join this workshop to learn how to download and use the app.
Dari Workshop 2
Tuesday 14th Feb - 12.30pm EST, 9.30am PST
Join Zoom Meeting:
موضوعات دربرگرفته شده
در موردترجملی -
چگونه میتوان این برنامه رادانلودکرد -
نحوهاستفادهازگزینه وسهولت های -
بهترین راه ها برای درخواست ترجمان -
سه شنبه ۱۴ فبروری - ساعت ۳۰:۰۹ قبل از ظهر
به جلسه زوم بپیوندید:

Refugee Youth Mentorship Program
If you know a person between ages 18-24 who is a refugee in Washington state, they may be eligible for a valuable mentorship opportunity! A community mentor can help this young adult work toward their goals. Whether the young refugee is interested in attending college, finding work, learning a trade, or meeting other goals, the mentor is there to help. Join us for a presentation from a member of the Washington Office of Refugee & Immigrant Assistance, who will tell us more about this program and how to enroll.
When: Monday, February 13, 6-7 PM
Where: On Zoom
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcumsqDwjH9c5HnBdPXK0Mzlvma4vMlaF

Tarjimly Pashto Workshop 1
Tarjimly is an app that helps Pashto and Dari speakers access English interpretation and translation services. Join this workshop to learn how to download and use the app.
Pashto Workshop 1
Thursday 9th Feb - 7pm PST
Join Zoom Meeting:
آنالين ورکشاپ
پوښښشوي موضوعات
د ترجیملي په اړه -
څرنګه اپلیکیشن ډاونلوډ کړو -
د ترجیملي ځانګړتیاوې څنګه کارول -
د ژباړونکي غوښتنه کولو په وخت -
کې غوره کړنې
پنجشنبه د فبروري 9 - ماښام 7 بجو
:د زوم په غونډه کې ګډون وکړئ

Tarjimly Dari Workshop 1
Tarjimly is an app that helps Pashto and Dari speakers access English interpretation and translation services. Join this workshop to learn how to download and use the app.
Dari Workshop 1
Tuesday 7th Feb - 7pm PST
Join Zoom Meeting:
موضوعات دربرگرفته شده
در موردترجملی -
چگونه میتوان این برنامه رادانلودکرد -
نحوهاستفادهازگزینه وسهولت های -
بهترین راه ها برای درخواست ترجمان -
سه شنبه ۷ فبروری - ساعت ۷ بعد از ظهر
به جلسه زوم بپیوندید:

A Glimpse of Black History in Seattle
Join us for a night of short documentaries about Black History in Seattle. We’ll watch two short films by local filmmaker, historian, and community advocate, Shaun Scott. We will also watch part of a documentary about a historic protest in 1968 by the UW Black Student Union. After each video, we will discuss what we learned and what we hope to learn more about as we begin to celebrate Black History Month.
When: Monday, February 6th, 6:00-7:30 PM
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkfuitpzsiE9OYGfnbl1dPFTlNe-rp_oIH

End of Year Fundraiser and Human Rights Day Celebration
The Immigrant Women's Community Center is holding an End of Year Virtual Fundraiser! The event will feature guest speakers, including local activist Bill Clark, who will join us in recognizing Human Rights Day. We will also reflect on what our community has accomplished this year and the ways we hope to grow.
When: Friday, December 16th, 6:00-7:00 PM
Where: On zoom.
Register with this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wlj3M_j-R4ar5oZjHf3NZQ
COVID-19/Monkeypox Information Session
We’d like to help answer some of your questions and give you the latest COVID-19 updates on Monday, December 5th, at 6:00-7:30 PM. We’ll have a space to come together and talk about the questions, concerns, and thoughts you have about the ongoing pandemic. We will also give some updates on the Monkeypox outbreak in King County. Any and all questions are welcome!
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvdOugqTgoGtEBRYS22tMrktV6rGg-8l_S

Mental Health Workshop: Grief
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult events a person can experience. The grief from a friend, family member, or partner’s death can be overwhelming and incredibly painful. We cannot make all that pain go away, but there are ways that we can handle the grief that will help us heal over time. To learn more about this, join us for a conversation with a trained mental health counselor from Zane Counseling. We will see a short presentation about dealing with grief and then allow time for any questions you or others may have.
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoc-CsqDMuG9VOTkyt18ycTdG-yqNqi2od
Language interpretation is available. Please register at least 3 hours before the event to indicate if you need interpretation. The presentation portion of the events will be recorded, but you will not be included in the recording as long as you keep your microphone muted until the recording is stopped.
Storytelling: Karla Lopez
Please join us for our seventeenth storytelling session on Monday, November 21st, from 6:00pm-7:30pm. The event will take place over Zoom. This month we have the honor of welcoming storyteller Karla Lopez!
Karla was born and raised in Mexico, and she moved to the US as a teenager. In the decades she has spent in America, she has encountered no shortage of challenges. Through it all, she has always tried to find joy, stability, and community. The experiences and relationships that have added to her life have allowed her to make life better for her neighbors and loved ones. Karla's story is one of perseverance, and also one of love.
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkduuuqjouE9FdyU7ev2uqjcx14Q9p23P_
Mental Health Workshop: Open Discussion
We will not have a presentation portion of this workshop. Instead, trained mental health counselor, Haneen Ahmad, will be available to answer questions you have about how to best care for your child, your family member, or yourself. We will have an open discussion of any mental health concerns you might want to share.
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctce2gqz0iGtRbLeC6FRf7dnC5-inOnn0B
COVID-19/Monkeypox Information Session
We’d like to help answer some of your questions and give you the latest COVID-19 updates on Monday, November 7th, at 6:00-7:30 PM. We’ll have a space to come together and talk about the questions, concerns, and thoughts you have about the ongoing pandemic. We will also give some updates on the Monkeypox outbreak in King County. Any and all questions are welcome!
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvf-2sqz8jGtE1rQor-vXW_7wp4k5lobj6

Mental Health Workshop: Depression
Many of us have experienced, will experience, or know somebody who experiences depression. There are many ways that you can care for yourself and others who are dealing with this hardship. We want to provide some information about depression and answer any questions you may have about it. We will host a presentation led by a trained mental health counselor from Zane Counseling.
When: Thursday, October 27th, 6:00-7:30 PM
Where: On zoom.
Register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rf-utpzIjG9ehMbgQI0tm_UgOlk3h5gth